
North West England

Child Documents

Compass offers these services: Counselling for adults (18+) with emotional problems. Donations towards cost of counselling are negotiated with clients according to their means. Daytime and evening appointments can be arranged. Counselling training and range of short courses, including stress management, bereavement and assertiveness skills.
Ethnic Disabled Group Emerging (EDGE)
Ethnic Disabled Group Emerging (EDGE) offers these services: Practical, social and emotional support for black and minority ethnic disabled people. Drop-in every Wednesday, advice on housing and benefits. Homecare service. Courses in computing and assertiveness. Outings and activities. Run by and for black and minority ethnic disabled people from Africa, the Caribbean and the Indian sub-continent.
PSS - Liverpool Personal Service Society Incorporated
PSS - Liverpool Personal Service Society Incorporated offers these services: Range of care and support services including adult placement, community resources, personal assistance, supported accommodation and community access. Services for older people, young carers, disabled children, people with learning disabilities, people with terminal illness, people with mental health problems, young people in care, families experiencing divorce, and the local community.
Cheetham Hill Advice Centre
Cheetham Hill Advice Centre offers these services: Advice and information on benefits, money and debt, consumer and legal problems, housing, health, immigration and nationality. Representation at tribunals.
Merseyside Welfare Rights Resource Centre
Merseyside Welfare Rights Resource Centre offers these services: Telephone advice and information on all aspects of welfare benefits, housing, fuel and money. Representation at tribunals for people in Merseyside. Outreach service at the Dovecot MAC Building, Prescott Road, Dovecot - drop-in Monday, Wednesday 9.30am-12 noon, 1pm-3pm appointments Thursday 9.30am-12 noon, 1pm-3pm.
Black Health Agency
Black Health Agency offers these services: Range of health related projects and services for the black communities. African AIDS helpline. Support services for black people with cancer and HIV/AIDS, including befriending, counselling and practical help. Maternal health and HIV project. Sexual health development work with Asian communities. Young people's peer education project. Mental health support service for refugees and asylum seekers.
PSS - Gateway Project
PSS - Gateway Project offers these services: Resource and advice centre for people from the black and minority ethnic communities. Drop-in advice service on benefits and debt, Monday-Friday 9.30am-2pm. Aims to support individuals and community groups to become involved in the mainstream of city life and reduce inequalities in health, education, employment and social care.
Manchester Social Services - Manchester Advice
Manchester Social Services - Manchester Advice offers these services: Advice and information for the general public on housing, consumer, welfare rights, harassment or eviction emergencies, money/debt and Manchester Council services. Casework including representation at appeals and court hearings. Advice sessions offered at a range of community venues across Manchester - phone for details. Email: [email protected].
Manchester Refugee Support Network
Manchester Refugee Support Network offers these services: Advice, information and support for refugees and asylum seekers, refugee community groups and organisations. Advice for individual refugees and asylum seekers on housing, benefits, homelessness, education & training, employment, NASS system, immigration and racial harassment. Training and support around funding and capacity building for refugee community groups. Advice centre at 129 Princess Road.
REMISUS Community Resource Centre
REMISUS Community Resource Centre offers these services: Information and signposting service for asylum seekers and refugees. Also provide supported accommodation for refugees. Capacity building.
Somali Women's Group of Manchester
Somali Women's Group of Manchester offers these services: Drop-in and advice services for all members of the Somali community. Basic advice and referral to specialist services on health, child care, education, housing, homelessness and immigration. Youth programme, computer classes. Elderly peoples project, with twice weekly drop-in for health advice, exercise class, activities and transport to and from the centre. Phone interpreting and translation.