East Midlands
- Nottinghamshire Victim Support (South Notts)
Nottinghamshire Victim Support (South Notts) offers these services: Emotional and practical support, advice and information for people who have been victims of crime.
- Ajani Women and Girls Centre
Ajani Women and Girls Centre offers these services: Information, advice, leisure, educational, personal development and cultural activities for women and girls from the African Caribbean communities. Educational and personal development classes throughout the week. Groups for girls aged 4-12 and 18+. Groups for women aged 25+, 35+ and 50+, with cultural and social activities. Nursery facilities.
- Relate - Leicestershire
Relate - Leicestershire offers these services: Counselling for couples and individuals with relationship problems. Psychosexual therapy. Family mediation for couples separating or divorcing. Counselling for young people aged 10-25 experiencing conflict within the family. Mediation for 17-20 year olds at risk of being made homeless. Clients are asked to pay for counselling and family mediation depending on income.
- Leicester City Council - Housing Options Centre (King Street)
Leicester City Council - Housing Options Centre (King Street) offers these services: Housing advice and information for private and council tenants and the general public. Responsible for monitoring the housing register, nominations to housing associations and the HOMES scheme.
- Samaritans - Nottingham
Samaritans - Nottingham offers these services: 24 hour national telephone helpline offers emotional support for anyone in crisis. Offers a listening and befriending service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. Callers are put through without delay to their nearest unengaged branch. Calls are charged at the local rate. Branch open daily for drop-in visits. Email support service through [email protected]
- Nextstep - Leicestershire
Nextstep - Leicestershire offers these services: Advice, information and guidance about jobs, training and courses to people aged 20+ who live or work in Leicestershire.
- Bangladesh Youth and Cultural Shomiti
Bangladesh Youth and Cultural Shomiti offers these services: Range of services for the local community, particularly the Bangladeshi community. ESOL, literacy, numeracy and computer skills classes. Advice and information on education and training, careers and employment and welfare rights.
- The Race Equality Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire
The Race Equality Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire offers these services: Advice on racial harassment and discrimination, particularly around employment, housing, education and statutory service provision. Promote equality of opportunity, work towards the elimination if racial discrimination. Advice for asylum seekers and refugees.
- Samaritans of Chesterfield
Samaritans of Chesterfield offers these services: Telephone helpline operating 24 hours a day offering emotional support for anyone in crisis. Offers a listening and befriending service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. Open daily for drop-in visits. The national local rate Samaritans number (08457 90 90 90) can also put callers through without delay to their nearest unengaged branch.
- Leicester City Council - Welfare Rights Advice Service
Leicester City Council - Welfare Rights Advice Service offers these services: Advice lines for people with benefits rights problems. Representation at appeals and tribunals for people living in Leicester. Welfare rights outreach advice in community venues - phone for details.
- Framework HA - Street Outreach Team
Framework HA - Street Outreach Team offers these services: Support services for people sleeping rough in Nottingham. Morning and evening outreach service. Drop-in sessions Weds 11am-1pm and Fri 1pm-2.30pm at St Peter's Church, St Peter's Gate in city centre. Help with finding temporary accommodation, making benefit claims, attending appointments. Close links with mental health support and health care agencies. Needle exchange. Drug and alcohol treatment.
- Breakout - Young Persons Misuse Service
Breakout - Young Persons Misuse Service offers these services: Range of services for young people (up to 18) experiencing problems with substance misuse. Advice and information, assessment, treatment interventions, relapse prevention, substitute prescribing, needle and syringe exchange, detox services, individual counselling. Support for young people with a dual diagnosis.
- South Leicestershire CAB - Lutterworth
South Leicestershire CAB - Lutterworth offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights and employment rights. Outreach on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Broughton Astley library from 10am - 1pm.
- Barnardo's - CareFree Young Carers' Project
Barnardo's - CareFree Young Carers' Project offers these services: Range of practical and emotional support services for young carers and their families.
- Shelter Housing Aid and Research Project (SHARP)
Shelter Housing Aid and Research Project (SHARP) offers these services: Advice and advocacy on housing rights and options. Solicitor for legal advice and help at court. Training, consultancy and information for other agencies on housing law and rights.
- Leicester Chinese Community Centre
Leicester Chinese Community Centre offers these services: Support for the Chinese community in Leicester. Range of social, educational and recreational activities, including a lunch club for older Chinese people. Chinese and English language schools. Translation and interpreting service. Signposting service.
- Derby CAB
Derby CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits/welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt. Phone advice Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, Weds 1pm-7pm. Outreach services at GP surgeries across the city, phone 01332 347818 for details. Home visiting service for clients unable to access the bureau because of disability or caring responsibilities.
- Home-Start Bolsover District and Clay Cross
Home-Start Bolsover District and Clay Cross offers these services: Regular support, friendship and practical help for families with children under 5 where the family is under stress or experiencing difficulties. Families are visited at home by trained volunteers, all of whom have parenting skills.
- Akwaaba Ayeh Mental Health Advocacy Project
Akwaaba Ayeh Mental Health Advocacy Project offers these services: Advice, information, advocacy and support for people experiencing mental health problems and for their carers. Monthly support groups. Priority is given to African, African Caribbean and South Asian communities living in Leicester, but also offer a service to in-patients in psychiatric hospitals and units outside Leicester.
- Home-Start Dukeries
Home-Start Dukeries offers these services: Support, friendship and practical help for families with at least one child aged under 5 who are experiencing stress or difficulties. Families are visited at home by trained volunteers, who have parenting experience.
- Nottinghamshire Royal Society for the Blind
Nottinghamshire Royal Society for the Blind offers these services: Range of services for blind and vision impaired people. Daily courses and clubs. Nursery for blind and vision impaired babies and children. Resource centre in Nottingham. Mobile resource unit. Talking newspaper in English and Gujarati.
- Adhar Project
Adhar Project offers these services: Range of support services for Asian adults with mental health difficulties or learning disabilities, their families and carers. Regular social groups with activities including arts and crafts, cookery, indoor sports, keep fit, IT, outings and day trips. Information on welfare benefits, health issues, mental health and learning disability matters. Most sessions conducted in an Asian language.
- Coping with Cancer in Leicestershire and Rutland
Coping with Cancer in Leicestershire and Rutland offers these services: Information, advice and emotional support for people with cancer, their families and friends. Also offers practical and emotional support. Asian helpline Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm on 0116 223 0020, providing information and advice in Gujarati (other Asian languages can be made available).
- Shama Women's Centre
Shama Women's Centre offers these services: Community centre for women living in and around the Highfields area of Leicester. Range of non-accredited and NVQ classes (in conjunction with Leicester, South Leicestershire and Regent College), including hosiery and dressmaking, computer skills, English, food hygiene. Mehndi art class (henna skin decoration). Keep fit, yoga, sauna. Childcare for members attending classes.
- Shree Sanatan Community Project
Shree Sanatan Community Project offers these services: Community centre for people in the Rushey Mead and Belgrave areas of Leicester. After school youth clubs Monday - Friday 3pm - 6pm. Music classes. Gujarati language classes. Signposting service.
- Wesley Hall Community Centre
Wesley Hall Community Centre offers these services: Day centre for people with mental health problems. Range of activities, including pool, darts, table tennis, badminton. Word processing and DTP tuition. Help with basic maths and English. Saathi group on Monday for Asian clients. Art group on Tuesday. Women only group on Wednesday. Service by referral from Social Services.
- Domestic Violence Integrated Response Project
Domestic Violence Integrated Response Project offers these services: Helpline offering support and information to people over the age of 16 who are experiencing domestic violence. Black and minority ethnic community advocacy workers provide face-to-face support.
- Toc H St Andrews
Toc H St Andrews offers these services: Drop-in for refugees and asylum seekers. Food and toiletries supplies and signposting service. Clothing and bedding distribution. Art therapy service. Activities including snooker.
- Northfields Advice Centre and CASP
Northfields Advice Centre and CASP offers these services: Advice centre for people who are homeless, sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness. Referrals to emergency and longer term housing. Pre-tenancy, resettlement and tenancy sustainment support. Help with applying for jobs and CV writing. Pregnancy testing and access to contraception. Counselling sessions. Showers, clothing store.
- baby gear
baby gear offers these services: Baby and toddler equipment refurbishing and recycling project. Pushchairs, buggies, toys, and other equipment donated by public, collected within Leicester city, and sometimes beyond. Refurbishing done by people (referred to the project) who are unemployed or with long term mental health problems. Training, including NVQ. Shop open to public Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
- Leicester City PALS
Leicester City PALS offers these services: Information and advice on local NHS services for patients, their families and carers. Support in resolving questions or concerns about NHS treatment and in using the NHS complaints procedure. Referrals to Independent Complaints Advocacy Services (ICAS). Signposting to other local or national support agencies. Part of a national network of Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS).
- Dyslexia Action - Lincoln
Dyslexia Action - Lincoln offers these services: Advice on issues relating to dyslexia. Consultations, educational psychologist assessments, specialist teaching for all ages and talks and courses for parents and teachers. Charges made for assessments arranged with independent educational psychologists and for tuition and courses.
- Sure Start Beaumont Leys and Stocking Farm
Sure Start Beaumont Leys and Stocking Farm offers these services: Support and services for pre-school children and parents. Playgroup, creche and play sessions. Advocacy for children with special needs. Advice on health care and child development, including pregnancy advice and post-natal support. Outreach services. Home visiting. Support for teenage parents.
- Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living
Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living offers these services: Promote the inclusion of disabled people within the community and the provision of barrier free services. Library, information and advice on disability issues. Consultancy, access auditing and training programmes, including disability equality and disability legislation. Volunteering opportunities for disabled people.
- Highfields Youth and Community Centre
Highfields Youth and Community Centre offers these services: Information and advice for the local community on benefits, housing, immigration and nationality, debt and education. Legal advice sessions.
- Dostiyo - Asian Women and Girls Organisation
Dostiyo - Asian Women and Girls Organisation offers these services: Advice for Asian women on a range of issues, including benefits, debt, housing, domestic violence, disability, immigration, drug and alcohol misuse. Also offer advocacy, befriending and counselling services. Respite care. Volunteering opportunities. Day care and education for older people. Lunch £2.25. Transport to the centre 50p return. Youth services. Also run Asian men's social and sports club.
- Northampton Women's Aid
Northampton Women's Aid offers these services: 24 hour advice, information and emergency access to safe refuge accommodation for women and their children who are experiencing or who have experienced domestic violence. Drop-in service 9.30am-4.30pm Monday-Friday. Floating support schemes for aftercare support and for those women who do not need refuge accommodation and can be supported in their own homes. Counselling service also provided.
- Nottinghamshire Victim Support
Nottinghamshire Victim Support offers these services: Emotional and practical support, advice and information for people who have been victims or witnesses of crime.
- Council for Ethnic Minority Communities - CEMC
Council for Ethnic Minority Communities - CEMC offers these services: Support services for black and ethnic minority community groups, organisations and individuals to improve opportunities and access to services. Advice, support, co-ordination, development work, capacity building, funding advice, information and signposting, education and training.
- Nottinghamshire Victim Support (Mansfield)
Nottinghamshire Victim Support (Mansfield) offers these services: Emotional and practical support, advice and information for people who have been victims of crime. Magistrates court witness service - 01623 424948.
- Leicester Counselling Centre
Leicester Counselling Centre offers these services: Counselling on a range of issues for adults (18+). People are asked to contribute to the cost of sessions, but no one is turned away because of their inability to pay.
- Raahat Asian Respite Care Project
Raahat Asian Respite Care Project offers these services: Respite care for Asian carers of people who are disabled, sick or elderly. Carers are offered support in their own homes on a regular basis between 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday. Run by Nottingham City Council Adult Services.
- Vista Society for the Blind
Vista Society for the Blind offers these services: Range of services for people who are registered blind or partially sighted. Rehabilitation service for newly registered people. Day care for 15 elderly frail people. Guide/help scheme for people with dual sensory impairments. Transport to enable people to attend classes. Social groups. Provision of aids for daily living. Library. Children's services. Residential homes. Outreach project.
- Ek Awaaj/One Voice
Ek Awaaj/One Voice offers these services: Centre for young people aged 13-19 from Belgrave, Loughborough Road, St Marks Estate and Rushymead areas of Leicester. Legal advice, advice and information on careers, help with job seeking, housing advice. Range of recreational and social activities. Music studio. Art room. Gym.
- Friary Drop-in
Friary Drop-in offers these services: Drop-in centre for homeless and unemployed people. Free food, toiletries, clothing. Weekly session with nurse and mental health support team, GP surgery twice weekly. Drugs worker monthly. Housing and welfare advice. Furniture and household items for those being resettled. Allotment. Creche.
- Leicestershire Disabled Living Centre
Leicestershire Disabled Living Centre offers these services: Advice for anyone with mobility problems wishing to maintain their independence. Equipment on display includes mobility aids, stairlifts, bathing aids, kitchen aids, chairs, beds and hoists. Free advice and demonstrations available by appointment. Information service on disability, access, equipment etc.
- Charnwood Racial Equality Council
Charnwood Racial Equality Council offers these services: Promotes good race relations, equality of opportunity and the elimination of racial discrimination. Advice, information and casework service on welfare benefits, racial discrimination/harassment, housing, education, immigration and nationality, employment and women's welfare needs. Link worker for BME people with learning disabilities.
- Pravasi Mandal (Asian Group)
Pravasi Mandal (Asian Group) offers these services: Day care services for people from the Asian community, particularly those who are older, isolated, disabled or frail. Activities for Asian women to promote cultural, health and social wellbeing. Lunch club 5 days a week, with minibus service for people unable to travel to the centre unaided. Services are for members - small annual membership fee.
- Teamwork (Wellingborough)
Teamwork (Wellingborough) offers these services: Industrial therapy centre for people with mental health problems, learning disabilities or physical disabilities which are causing emotional distress. Community based service run by users with support from a small staff team. Work experience and routines are used to promote self confidence, self esteem and coping skills. Counselling available.
- Teamwork (Corby)
Teamwork (Corby) offers these services: Industrial therapy centre for people with mental health problems, learning disabilities or physical disabilities which are causing emotional distress. Factory based service run by users with support from a small staff team. Work experience and routines to promote self confidence, self esteem and coping skills. Support with finding/staying in employment. Counselling available.
- Home-Start Mansfield
Home-Start Mansfield offers these services: Regular support, friendship and practical help for families with children under 5, where the family is under stress or experiencing isolation. Families are visited at home by trained volunteers who are parents themselves. Loan scheme for fire guards and safety gates.
- Jobcentre Plus - Loughborough
Jobcentre Plus - Loughborough offers these services: Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- Jobcentre Plus - Leicester (Charles Street)
Jobcentre Plus - Leicester (Charles Street) offers these services: Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- Jobcentre Plus - Leicester (Highfields)
Jobcentre Plus - Leicester (Highfields) offers these services: Jobsearch service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- Jobcentre Plus - Hinckley
Jobcentre Plus - Hinckley offers these services: Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- Belgrave Baheno Women's Organisation
Belgrave Baheno Women's Organisation offers these services: Range of services for Asian women and girls in Belgrave and surrounding areas. Advice and information on benefits, health, housing rights, education, training and employment. Advice and support on domestic violence. Training courses. Leisure and cultural activities.
- Care and Repair - Leicester
Care and Repair - Leicester offers these services: Advice and assistance for elderly or disabled home owners and private tenants to enable them to remain in their own homes. Advice on repairs, improvements and adaptations, grants to finance the work and can oversee the work to completion. Advice and help with claiming welfare benefits.
- Savera Resource Centre
Savera Resource Centre offers these services: Resource centre for Asian people with mental health problems and their carers. Respite drop-in for carers Monday-Friday 9.30am-3.30pm. Therapy group and groups for women, carers and mental health service users. Men's group Monday 10am-12 noon, 1pm-3pm. Monthly Community Psychiatric Nurse surgery and advice session. Classes in computers, ESOL, woodwork, gardening. Art and crafts. Home visits.
- CLASP - The Carers Centre
CLASP - The Carers Centre offers these services: Advice, information, counselling and support for carers. Advocacy and representation at assessments, reviews and other meetings. Information and help with welfare benefits claims. Befriending. Training for carers. Establish and support carers groups. Respite care information project. Quarterly newsletter.
- DIAL - Northants (Daventry)
DIAL - Northants (Daventry) offers these services: Advice and information for people with disabilities, their carers, families and professionals. Advice and signposting on all aspects of disability and related subjects including mobility, housing, aids and adaptions, holidays and recreation. Help with filling in benefits forms.
- mosaic: shaping disability services
mosaic: shaping disability services offers these services: Advice, information and advocacy on a range of disability issues, including community care, welfare benefits and housing. Help with filling in benefit forms. Home visits provided by outreach workers in Leicester and Leicestershire. Information service including telephone helpline, factsheets and outreach work. Counselling. Bi-monthly newsletter.
- Trade
Trade offers these services: Advice and information for the gay, lesbian and bisexual community on sexual health issues. Information on HIV and sexual health. Counselling and support, drop-in centre, free condoms. .
- Nottinghamshire Rural Community Council
Nottinghamshire Rural Community Council offers these services: Supports, promotes and develops local voluntary action and services in rural areas. Offers information on a wide range of local voluntary organisations, community and self-help groups.
- Derby CVS
Derby CVS offers these services: Supports, promotes and develops local self help groups, community groups and voluntary organisations. Offers information on a wide range of local voluntary organisations, community and self-help groups. Volunteer Centre matching individuals seeking voluntary work with organisations needing volunteers.
- Voluntary Action Leicester
Voluntary Action Leicester offers these services: Supports, promotes and develops local voluntary action and services. Offers information on a wide range of local voluntary organisations, community and self-help groups. Also recruits volunteers.
- Age Concern - Leicester
Age Concern - Leicester offers these services: Services for older people, including advice and information, day care centres, lunch clubs, home visiting and carers groups. Welfare rights and legal advice by appointment. Head office services include a restaurant, library, shop and hairdressing. Also offer educational, social and recreational activities, including computer classes, dancing, yoga, keep fit.
- Indian Community Centre Association (Nottingham)
Indian Community Centre Association (Nottingham) offers these services: Indian community centre offering a range of services. Information and signposting. Welfare rights information Wednesdays 10am-1pm. Indian visa service. Day centre for older people Monday-Friday 10am-3pm, lunch club (open to general public) Monday-Friday 12.30pm-1.30pm. Women's groups, youth club and stroke club. Educational courses, art and music classes. Meals on wheels service.
- Bells Lane and Aspley Tenants and Residents Association
Bells Lane and Aspley Tenants and Residents Association offers these services: Two community centres for residents of Aspley and Bells Lane estate. Benefits and housing advice, befriending and practical help. Weekly club, holiday playschemes. Liaison with the local authority for estate improvements eg street lighting and pedestrian crossings.
- Home-Start Wellingborough and District
Home-Start Wellingborough and District offers these services: Recruit and train volunteers, who are parents themselves, to visit families with at least one child under 5 at home. Offer informal support and befriending. Also organise family groups and outings.
- Keyworth Advice Centre
Keyworth Advice Centre offers these services: Information and advice on welfare benefits, housing and homelessness, redundancy, consumer protection and general advice. Advice sessions take place at Methodist Church Hall, Selby Lane, Keyworth. (Above c/o address for correspondence only).
- Relate - Northamptonshire
Relate - Northamptonshire offers these services: Relationship counselling service for heterosexual or same sex couples, individuals (adults, young people and children), people in a relationship or going through separation/divorce. Psychosexual therapy. Contributions requested towards cost of services. Counselling in central Northampton, Kettering, Wellingborough and Daventry.
- Wellingborough Welfare Rights Advice Group
Wellingborough Welfare Rights Advice Group offers these services: Welfare benefits advice. Drop-in advice sessions at Wellingborough Hindu Temple Tuesday 10am - 12 noon. Home visits by arrangement in Wellingborough and surrounding villages.
- Victim Support - Charnwood
Victim Support - Charnwood offers these services: Support and information for people who have been victims of crime. Information on police and court procedures, compensation and insurance. Also offer information and support to witnesses at Crown and Magistrates Courts.
- Northampton Hope Centre
Northampton Hope Centre offers these services: Food for homeless people and those living in temporary accommodation. Cooked breakfast 8.30am-9.30am for 80p, lunch 11.45am-12.45pm for 80p, drinks 10p. Advice on benefits and finding accommodation. Cookery, art, and computing workshops. Job club. Relaxation classes. Open 260 days a year.
- East Northants CAB - Oundle Office
East Northants CAB - Oundle Office offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer issues and employment rights.
- Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Headway
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Headway offers these services: Support group for people with acquired brain injury and their carers. Advice, information and support, telephone advice and day care. Day centre offers socialising opportunities and activities including pool, cooking, woodworking, gardening, photography, computing, arts and crafts. Social service funded places. Outreach work, including ethnic minority provision.
- Charnwood CAB - Shepshed
Charnwood CAB - Shepshed offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt.
- Charnwood CAB
Charnwood CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money/debt. Representation at social security appeal tribunals and at the county court. Extension sessions in Shepshed and Syston.
- South Holland CAB
South Holland CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer, employment and housing rights, money and debt. Representation at tribunals. Extension services at Holbeach Parish Council Offices (Monday and Friday 10am - 1pm) and Long Sutton Market House(Monday and Thursday 10am - 1pm).
- Sleaford and District CAB
Sleaford and District CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights and employment rights. Specialist money and welfare benefits advice.
- Rutland CAB
Rutland CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights and employment rights. Specialist advice by appointment on money, housing, employment tribunal representation, social security appeal representation. Home visiting service available.
- LAMP - Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project
LAMP - Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project offers these services: Works with and for people experiencing mental distress and their carers. Advocacy service which aims to empower people to make informed choices, express their views and access their rights and entitlements. Information service provides leaflets, signposting and advice.
- NSPCC - Bal Raksha Project
NSPCC - Bal Raksha Project offers these services: Family support and parenting work with children, young people, parents and carers from Asian communities and other ethnic minority groups. Parent and toddler groups, group work, individual work and work with families. Liaison with local agencies. Supports single parents and women experiencing domestic violence.
- Home-Start Leicester
Home-Start Leicester offers these services: Regular support and befriending for families with at least one child under 5, who are experiencing stress or difficulties. Families are visited at home by trained volunteers, who have parenting skills. Drop-in groups for parents, including fathers, and young children. Outings.
- South Lincolnshire Mind - Grantham and Bourne Centres
South Lincolnshire Mind - Grantham and Bourne Centres offers these services: Advice and a range of services for people with current or past mental health problems, and their carers and families. Advice, information, counselling and onward referrals for legal advice. Drop-in centre with meals, snacks and social activities. Also a handicraft room and thrift shop. Monthly bowling league for members. Bourne Centre - 16a North Street, Bourne PE10 9AB.
- The Bridge
The Bridge offers these services: Five key services: housing advice and supported tenancy team; mediation service enabling people to resolve disputes that may lead to housing difficulties and/or homelessness; education project raises awareness of homelessness in local colleges; day centre and night shelter open over the Christmas period, plus access to a range of homelessness services.
- Apex Leicester Project
Apex Leicester Project offers these services: Services for people on a low income, in receipt of benefits, ex-offenders and for those serving sentences in custody or the community. Advice, guidance and support on education, training and employment. Basic skills classes and help with reading, writing, form filling, job applications, ESOL and computer skills. Advice for employers and other agencies/organisations about recruiting ex-offenders.
- Loughborough Youth Affairs
Loughborough Youth Affairs offers these services: Youth centre used by wide range of groups. Advice for young people on a range of issues, including benefits, housing problems, family problems. Youth projects. Disability project. Young carers project. Support for young people who self-harm. Refugee/asylum seekers group. Women's and men's groups. Holiday activities. Outreach services.
- YASC - The Y Advice and Support Centre
YASC - The Y Advice and Support Centre offers these services: Day centre for homeless people, including rough sleepers, hostel residents and those who are vulnerably housed. Housing advice, including pre-tenancy support, access to resettlement/tenancy sustainment support and to street outreach team. Alcohol and drugs worker onsite, weekly substance use drop-in. GP surgery, sessions with nurse, CPN. Range of courses. Showers, laundry, clothing, breakfast.
- Leicester Law Centre
Leicester Law Centre offers these services: Legal advice and representation in the following areas of law: employment, debt, housing, welfare benefits, immigration and asylum and disability rights. Advice and information to a general level on most other areas of civil law. Appointments for initial advice in most areas of law can be made 1 week in advance