

Child Documents

West of Scotland Seniors Forum
West of Scotland Seniors Forum offers these services: Umbrella body for local senior forums in the West of Scotland. Raise awareness of issues affecting older people and ensure that decision makers and service providers are informed about older peoples’ needs. Run the 'Are You Cold?' helpline which provides information and advice for people over 60 in the Greater Glasgow area on how to be warm within their homes.
Victoria Family Centre
Victoria Family Centre offers these services: Support, advice and guidance for families with children aged up to 12. Daycare for children under 5. After school club for children aged 5-12. Support for children in families affected by substance misuse. Parents groups. Parent and child groups.
Edinburgh and Lothian Racial Equality Council
Edinburgh and Lothian Racial Equality Council offers these services: Advice for individuals on racial discrimination and the law, particularly on statutory services provision, housing and employment. Promote equality of opportunity and work towards the elimination of racial discrimination.
Alzheimer Scotland - North Aberdeenshire Services
Alzheimer Scotland - North Aberdeenshire Services offers these services: Range of services for people with dementia and their families and carers. Day care services. Home support. Support for carers and information and advice on dementia and caring issues. Carers' support group meeting 1st Wednesday of the month 10am - 12 noon.
Victim Support - Edinburgh
Victim Support - Edinburgh offers these services: Practical and emotional support for victims of crime, including help with insurance and compensation claims.
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre offers these services: Advice, information and support for carers. Subjects covered include benefits, disability, health, mental health, learning disability, respite care and transport and mobility. Young carers groups Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4-6pm, Thursday 5-7pm. Outreach work with carers in the community.
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre (Cumnock)
Princess Royal Trust - East Ayrshire Carers Centre (Cumnock) offers these services: Advice, information and support for carers. Subjects covered include benefits, disability, debt, health, mental health, learning disability, respite care and transport and mobility. Young carers groups Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4-6pm, Thursday 5-7pm.
MEHIP - Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Project
MEHIP - Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Project offers these services: Aim to link people from minority ethnic communities with primary health care services and to improve the accessibility and appropriateness of services across Lothian. Provide information and advice and a link worker/advocacy service. Also plan and support the delivery of health improvement programmes for minority ethnic communities.
Meridian Black and Minority Ethnic Women's Info & Resource Centre
Meridian Black and Minority Ethnic Women's Info & Resource Centre offers these services: Information resource centre for black and minority ethnic women. Information and advice on benefits, immigration, housing, health, relationship difficulties, education, employment. Courses in computing, English and subjects of interest to women. Counselling. Community languages. Support services for vulnerable and isolated women. Playscheme for children under 12. Creche.
Rape Crisis Centre (Strathclyde) Crisis Line
Rape Crisis Centre (Strathclyde) Crisis Line offers these services: Helpline for women and girls who have been raped, sexually assaulted and/or sexually abused. Also for their friends, relatives and professionals. Offers support and information including police and legal procedures, criminal injuries compensation, pregnancy prevention. Helpline times may vary - answerphone will provide details.
Levenmouth Homeless Trust
Levenmouth Homeless Trust offers these services: Day centre for homeless people and people in housing need. Advice on housing and welfare benefits. Advocacy and representation on eviction, rent issues and neighbour problems. Help with accessing medical services. Drop-in, shower, laundry, bedding bank, low cost cafe. Needle exchange. Free condoms. Pregnancy testing scheme. Also provide a night shelter for people over 16 (tel 01333 351943).
Home-Start Dundee
Home-Start Dundee offers these services: Emotional support and practical help for families with at least one child under 5, who are experiencing stress or difficulties. Families are visited regularly by volunteer befrienders, who are usually parents themselves.
Alzheimer Scotland - Inverclyde
Alzheimer Scotland - Inverclyde offers these services: Range of services for people with dementia and their families and carers. Day care and evening care. Support for carers. Information and advice on all aspects of dementia. Day services run from The Innerkip Club, The Dutch Gable House, 14 William Street, Greenock.
Alzheimer Scotland - Glasgow & East Dunbartonshire
Alzheimer Scotland - Glasgow & East Dunbartonshire offers these services: 5 projects across Glasgow and East Dunbartonshire providing a range of services for people with dementia and their families and carers. Day care, home support, befriending, drop-in centres, welfare benefits advice. Support for carers, including support groups.
Black Community Development Project (BCDP)
Black Community Development Project (BCDP) offers these services: Advice, advocacy, casework and support for people from the black and minority ethnic communities who are experiencing racial discrimination and harassment. Advice and information on welfare benefits, housing, health, immigration and nationality. Group work, including a group for Chinese women, a black tenants support group, and one for women from all minority ethnic communities.