- Lewisham Bereavement Counselling
Lewisham Bereavement Counselling offers these services: Support and counselling for bereaved adults in their own homes or at a nearby venue. Telephone advice, information and support also available. Arrangements can be made to access the service evenings and (sometimes) weekends. Small contribution (£5-10 per session) requested from those in full time employment.
- Barnardo's - Akwaaba Centre
Barnardo's - Akwaaba Centre offers these services: Services for families. Run a nursery for children aged 2 - 5 referred by a social worker or health visitor. Support for parents and referral/access to other local agencies and social services. Advice for families on benefits and employment issues. Support and advice for Vietnamese people on issues including asylum, benefits and tax credits.
- Cancer Resource Centre
Cancer Resource Centre offers these services: Information, support and a range of complementary therapies for people with cancer, their families and carers. Individual sessions for counselling, massage, healing, relaxation, visualisation, art therapy. Group sessions for yoga. Groups and workshops. BME outreach and information service. Library of books and tapes. Home visiting service, including befriending, counselling, healing, massage.
- 2000 Community Action Centre
2000 Community Action Centre offers these services: Community centre for local residents. Information on a range of subjects, including social welfare, benefits, money and debt, housing, education, employment and health issues. Community cafe and internet access. Childcare services, after school clubs, health and fitness clubs. Toy and book library for under 5s. Meeting venue for older people's groups, residents' associations and youth forums.
- Contact a Family - Southwark
Contact a Family - Southwark offers these services: Advice, information and support for families who have a child or young person with a disability or special needs up to the age of 19. Help with disability benefits, information about special educational needs, inclusive activities for families. Groups for parents, contacts with other families. Campaigns for better services. Outings and activity days, bimonthly newsletter.
- Age Concern - Westminster
Age Concern - Westminster offers these services: Advice and advocacy on benefits, housing, health. Advice Points across Westminster. Domiciliary service for housebound people. 3 day centres for physically dependent older people. 2 day centres with social activities. Advice, advocacy and social sessions for Chinese elders. Volunteer befriending, odd job service. Low cost household/travel insurance for older people. UK coach holidays.
- Barts and The London NHS Trust PALS
Barts and The London NHS Trust PALS offers these services: Information and advice on local NHS services for patients, their families and carers. Support in resolving questions or concerns about NHS treatment and in using the NHS complaints procedure. Referrals to Independent Complaints Advocacy Services (ICAS). Signposting to other local or national support agencies. Part of national network of Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS).
- Asian Resource Centre of Croydon
Asian Resource Centre of Croydon offers these services: Umbrella organisation for Asian community groups in Croydon. Development support for organisations and community groups, assistance with fundraising. Lobbying and campaigning for and with the Asian communities. Puts people in touch with local Asian community groups.
- Marchmont Community Centre
Marchmont Community Centre offers these services: Ethnic elders project offering advice, support, counselling, access to health care, outings, social activities. Home visiting for housebound and vulnerable people. Older people's lunch club Monday-Friday 12 noon-1pm for all communities. Chadswell Healthy Living Centre offers Bengali lunch club Wednesday, ethnic elder women's exercise group Thursday 3pm.
- Bishop HO Hall Chinese Centre
Bishop HO Hall Chinese Centre offers these services: Centre for the Chinese community. Counselling, translation and interpreting. Social club for Chinese elders. Cultural activities, language classes and recreational and group activities including Tai Chi, cookery, newspaper reading and health education.
- Chinese/Vietnamese Elderly Group in Greenwich
Chinese/Vietnamese Elderly Group in Greenwich offers these services: Advice and information for older people from the Chinese Vietnamese community on benefits, housing rights, care, health care and local services. Lunch club serving Chinese/Vietnamese food. Cultural events and outings.
- Princess Royal Trust - Greenwich Carers Centre
Princess Royal Trust - Greenwich Carers Centre offers these services: Advice, information, advocacy, representation and support for carers. Counselling, support groups and home visits. Complementary therapies. Young carers project (ages 8-17). Social events. Short breaks. Help with filling in forms. Newsletter.