Yorkshire & Humberside
- Asian Disability Network
Asian Disability Network offers these services: Support, advocacy, advice and information for deaf and other disabled people from the Asian community, their families and carers.
- Bradford Family Service Unit
Bradford Family Service Unit offers these services: Therapeutic and support work with children and young people who have been sexually abused, witnessed domestic violence, been bereaved or whose carers are drug users. Under 5's group. Home safety project. Advice. Support for victims of domestic violence. Group and individual work on parenting skills. Group work for children of dual heritage. Family crisis social work.
- Ashiana
Ashiana offers these services: Refuge for Asian and black women who are escaping domestic abuse. Practical and emotional support for refuge residents and for Asian and black women living in the community who are experiencing domestic abuse. Counselling, legal advice and childcare for residents. Outreach service for ex-residents who may require additional emotional and practical support.
- Staying Put - Bradford
Staying Put - Bradford offers these services: Advice, support and helpline for women experiencing domestic violence. Advice and support is offered to help women remain in their own homes. Legal advice, practical help and advice on issues including improving home security, personal safety and panic alarms.
- FSU Bradford - SODASA Project
FSU Bradford - SODASA Project offers these services: Social work, advice and services for families in difficulty. Advice on benefits, housing, employment, immigration, debt and consumer rights. Individual and group work for children and young people following abuse (eg sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence). Support for women experiencing domestic violence. Support where a child has died or is terminally ill. Help for child drug/alcohol users.
- Connexions South Yorkshire Ltd
Connexions South Yorkshire Ltd offers these services: Information, advice and guidance service for young people. Subjects covered include careers, education, health, leisure and money. Young people's advisory group meets at head office. All other services at centres in Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. Additional Freephone Helpline for Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham 0800 169 9338.
- Bangladeshi Community Association (Keighley)
Bangladeshi Community Association (Keighley) offers these services: Centre for the Bangladeshi community and other local people. Advice on welfare benefits, education and training, money and debt, housing rights, immigration. Home study support groups. Supplementary language classes. Youth work. Social and cultural events.
- Hull CAB - Welfare Rights and Debt Advice
Hull CAB - Welfare Rights and Debt Advice offers these services: Advice, casework and representation for the general public on welfare rights and debt. Clients must be referred by other Hull CAB offices or other local agencies.
- Naye Subah
Naye Subah offers these services: Day care and support services for Asian women aged 18-60 experiencing mental distress. Therapeutic and support groupwork, emotional support and counselling, advocacy, aromatherapy, massage. Relaxation group facilitated in Urdu. ESOL and arts and crafts classes. Opportunities for women to do voluntary work with the project. Also run support groups in the community. Transport and childcare provided.
- Bradford Community Housing Trust - Shipley Housing Advice Service
Bradford Community Housing Trust - Shipley Housing Advice Service offers these services: Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Assistance with finding accommodation for people in priority need. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility. General housing advice and information for private and council tenants and homeless people. Out of hours emergencies 01274 530434 or 0845 120 8167.
- Darnall and District Advice Service
Darnall and District Advice Service offers these services: Advice, information, representation and negotiation work on a range of subjects, including welfare benefits, employment, consumer issues, immigration, racial harrassment, debt and housing. Outreach session at Handsworth Methodist Church 9.30am - 12.30pm Fridays.
- Bradford Asian Girls Educational Association (BAGEA)
Bradford Asian Girls Educational Association (BAGEA) offers these services: Training, support and advocacy for Asian girls and young women aged 8 - 25. Advice on education and training, personal development, health, racial harassment, relationship difficulties and sexual health. Training on range of issues, including body image and assertiveness skills. Residential training opportunities for staff and users.
- Karmand Community Centre
Karmand Community Centre offers these services: Community centre providing advice on benefits, housing, immigration and nationality and local services. Educational and vocational training. Drop-in day care service for older people on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Youth club Monday to Friday 3.45pm-6pm. Sports and games facilities. Study support for children. Creche facilities.
- Sangat Centre
Sangat Centre offers these services: Community centre for local people, with a focus on the Asian community. Advice on benefits, care, disability, education, housing, immigration, nationality and racial harassment. Day centre for elderly people. Project for adults with learning difficulties. Weekend study groups for girls and boys. Seminars on health awareness and other topics. English classes for women, IT classes and a lunch club.
- Apna Sahara
Apna Sahara offers these services: Range of services for people from the South East Asian communities. Advice on a range of issues including benefits, disability, health and mental health. Befriending, advocacy and interpreting. Promote access to public services for minority ethnic communities.
- Tunstall Road Community Centre
Tunstall Road Community Centre offers these services: Community centre offering a range of services and activities. Advice sessions on welfare benefits, immigration, consumer, education. Training department (0113 272 3863). Drop-in for unemployed people. Drop-in for single parents. Muslim pensioners group. Asian women's group. Youth clubs. Cultural activities around Eid, Diwali and Christmas.
- Key House Project (Keighley)
Key House Project (Keighley) offers these services: Advice and assistance with all welfare rights issues, including representation at tribunals. Housing advice including advice on mortgage and rent arrears, landlord/tenant disputes, homelessness and allocations. Representation in the county court. Accommodation services. Homehunter service point. Supported housing.
- ASHA Neighbourhood Project
ASHA Neighbourhood Project offers these services: Community centre for Bangladeshi and Pakistani women and children. Advice on benefits, housing, immigration, domestic violence. Well woman and baby clinics, antenatal classes. Creche, after school club, youth clubs and school links project. English, computer, health, pattern cutting and business classes. First aid and healthy eating projects. Support for people who have been racially harassed.
- Doncaster Partnership for Carers
Doncaster Partnership for Carers offers these services: Advice, information and support for carers. Drop-in, emotional and practical support, carers groups and coffee mornings. Advocacy project. Asian advocacy worker. Services for young carers.
- ABA Leeds (Association of Blind Asians)
ABA Leeds (Association of Blind Asians) offers these services: Advocacy and support for visually impaired Asian people, their families, carers and friends. Assistance with accessing health and social care services. Also offer social and group activities. Benefits development worker on 0113 248 0888 Mondays 12 noon - 3pm.
- South Leeds Elderly and Community Group
South Leeds Elderly and Community Group offers these services: Advice and information service for the local community. Benefits advice sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- Princess Royal Trust - Carers Leeds
Princess Royal Trust - Carers Leeds offers these services: Drop-in and telephone advice, information and support for carers. Advice on benefits, support groups, befriending scheme, sitting services, home care, respite care, day care, residential care and holidays. Outreach service for carers who are unable to come to the centre.
- Advocacy and Interpreting Service
Advocacy and Interpreting Service offers these services: Advocacy, advice, information and interpreting services for the Bangladeshi, Chinese and Pakistani communities. Advocacy and translation in Urdu, Mirpuri, Sylheti, Bengali, Chinese, Cantonese and Mandarin to help communities access health, community care and social services. Works with other voluntary and statutory organisations and offers services to their clients. Outreach surgeries.
- Calderdale Women's Centre
Calderdale Women's Centre offers these services: Drop-in, information and support for women. Pregnancy testing and condoms. Free counselling service and legal advice clinic. Support and advice for women with experience of domestic violence. Library, leaflets, CD Roms. Basic skills training. Advice on education and training. Volunteering opportunities.
- Care and Repair - Leeds
Care and Repair - Leeds offers these services: Advice and assistance on repairs and home improvements for older people, disabled people and people on low incomes who are home owners. Advice on grants, choosing a builder and help with overseeing the work. Handyperson scheme and security service for pensioners on benefits.
- Harehills and Chapeltown Law Centre
Harehills and Chapeltown Law Centre offers these services: Legal advice, information and representation at courts and tribunals. Advice and assistance on immigration and nationality, housing, welfare rights, employment, civil liberties, education, mental health, domestic violence. Evening advice session (Tues 7-9pm) and weekend advice session (Sat 10am-12 noon), by appointment only. Offers legal advice to other voluntary organisations.
- Bangladesh Porishad - Community Advice and Training Centre
Bangladesh Porishad - Community Advice and Training Centre offers these services: Centre for the Bangladeshi community and other minority ethnic communities. Advice on benefits, housing, education, training, employment, disability. Immigration advice surgery Tuesday 5pm - 6.30pm. Day care centre for elderly people with health programmes, outings, leisure activities. Girls group for 8-12 year olds. English classes, job search support. Family support for low income families.
- Sharrow CAB
Sharrow CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights, money and debt, consumer and employment rights. Welfare rights advice for the Chinese community Monday and Tuesday 12.30pm-4pm, at 157-159 London Road.
- Key House Project (Bradford)
Key House Project (Bradford) offers these services: Advice and information for people who are homeless or badly housed, or anyone needing benefits or housing advice. Welfare rights advice. Legal advice on landlord/tenant issues, including representation in court. Practical assistance in finding accommodation. Open for emergency accommodation enquiries Monday - Wednesday and Friday 2pm - 3.30pm.
- Alcohol and Drug Services - Head Office
Alcohol and Drug Services - Head Office offers these services: Advice and information for people with alcohol/drug problems on housing and benefits. Information and library service, programme of education and training, supported accommodation project. Head office for a network of counselling services throughout the area and base for the Greater Manchester Probation Partnership Project.
- Rotherham Multi-Cultural and Training Centre
Rotherham Multi-Cultural and Training Centre offers these services: Advice, information, pre-vocational and vocational training for women from all local communities, particularly minority ethnic groups, helping them to build confidence and join the employment market. Outreach services and home visits available. Translation and interpreting service for other agencies for which there is a charge.
- Harehills Housing Aid
Harehills Housing Aid offers these services: Advice on finding accommodation, housing applications, transfers, repairs, arrears, council tax, housing and other benefits. Advice for those whose housing is affected by relationship breakdown, domestic violence, immigration, unemployment, debt. Help with housing benefit, disability benefit, social security appeals/reviews. Representation at repossession hearings in the county court. Debt advice.
- Roshni Sheffield Asian Women's Resource Centre
Roshni Sheffield Asian Women's Resource Centre offers these services: Resource centre for Asian women. Advice, support and counselling on health, education and training and social and cultural needs. Information on benefits, homelessness and housing rights, and domestic violence. Mentoring support for young Asian women. Training courses. Centre provides a space for Asian women to come together and share ideas and skills.