

Child Documents

Carers Centre Cardiff and the Vale
Carers Centre Cardiff and the Vale offers these services: Information, advice and support for carers of all ages. Specific projects for carers from the black and minority ethnic communities. GP awareness project.
Age Concern Neath Port Talbot
Age Concern Neath Port Talbot offers these services: Helpline, advocacy and other services for older people. Advice on welfare rights, community safety, general issues and consumer advice. Neath Port Talbot Carers Resource Centre at 23 Windsor Road, Neath, provides information, advice and support Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-4.30pm, phone 01639 642 266. Home visiting service by appointment.
Newport CAB
Newport CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, housing rights, money and debt. Appointments Tues 2pm-4pm. Outreach service at Dyffryn.
Immigration Advisory Service - Cardiff
Immigration Advisory Service - Cardiff offers these services: Advice, information and legal advice on immigration and asylum issues. Representation at immigration appeals and tribunals (on our own cases). Outreach surgery in Swansea Mondays.
Newport Mind
Newport Mind offers these services: Range of services for adults with mental health problems. Day service providing information and support. Women's service 10am - 12.30pm. Welfare benefits, housing advice and advocacy services Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm. Outreach service offering support at home to enable people to maintain life in the community.
Age Concern Gwent
Age Concern Gwent offers these services: Range of services for older people and their carers operating from 10 separate bases. Hospital discharge scheme. Respite care. Community support and befriending. Information and advice. Advocacy for people in residential and nursing care homes. Lunch and day clubs. Carers project. Prevention of admission to hospital service. Ethnic minority service. EMI service.
Swansea Women's Centre
Swansea Women's Centre offers these services: General advice, support and information for women on a range of issues, including domestic violence, education, sexual health, health and abuse. Support and self help groups. Creche facilities. Library. Training courses and volunteering opportunities. Drop-in with tea, coffee and the chance to socialise.
Cardiff Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre
Cardiff Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre offers these services: Information, screening and counselling service for people at risk of inherited red blood cell disorders including sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia. Support and advice for families with family members with a major haemoglobin disorder. Specialist resource for professionals. Encourages the development of support groups.