
North West England

Child Documents

Parent Partnership Service - Manchester
Parent Partnership Service - Manchester offers these services: Advice, information and assistance on education and related matters for parents and carers of children with special educational needs, including physical and sensory disabilities and learning difficulties. Support offered includes liaison, attending meetings, advocacy and assistance with letter writing and documentation.
One Parent Families Manchester
One Parent Families Manchester offers these services: Advice and information for anyone bringing up a child on their own in Manchester on benefits, money and debt, separation and divorce, legal rights, child support, work, education and childcare. Specialist advice for lone parents with a disabled child. Wide range of bookelts and factsheets. Signposting to other useful organisations.
Mediation Services
Mediation Services offers these services: Community mediation for neighbours in dispute. The service is for Manchester residents and tenants of Oldham, Bury and Stockport Metropolitan Borough councils, and for tenants of some housing associations and housing trusts. Owner occupiers and private tenants in Manchester phone 0161 908 0392.
Rathbone's Asian Education Advice Line
Rathbone's Asian Education Advice Line offers these services: Advice line for Asian parents of children with learning difficulties. Advice on the law and procedures around education for children with special needs. Subjects covered include statementing, appeals, school exclusions and admissions. Run by Rathbone's, which provides services across the UK for people with special educational needs, including work-based training.
Saheli offers these services: Temporary refuge accommodation for South Asian women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence. Aftercare and outreach service for Asian women and their children who have either been rehoused by the refuge or are living in the community and experiencing domestic violence. Practical and emotional support, children's service. Fund for women who are not entitled to benefits.
Rochdale Centre of Diversity
Rochdale Centre of Diversity offers these services: Advice, information and representation for individuals on immigration and nationality, racial discrimination, employment and service provision. Advice, support and assistance for people who have been racially harassed. Community development, health awareness. Work towards the promotion of equality of opportunity and good race relations.
Oldham MBC - Welfare Rights Service (Featherstall Road)
Oldham MBC - Welfare Rights Service (Featherstall Road) offers these services: Advice and representation for the general public on welfare benefits.
British Asian Community Foundation
British Asian Community Foundation offers these services: Advice service for Asian communities. Information about health and social services, immigration and employment.
Connexions - Trafford
Connexions - Trafford offers these services: Information, advice and guidance on a range of issues for young people aged 13-19, including education, career options, welfare benefits and personal issues. Vacancy service matching young people to local employment opportunities.
Connexions Lancashire - Nelson
Connexions Lancashire - Nelson offers these services: Information, advice and guidance on a range of issues for young people aged 13-19. Subjects include health, welfare benefits, education and career options. Vacancy service matching young people to local employment opportunities.
Hospice in Rossendale
Hospice in Rossendale offers these services: Cancer care for patients, their carers and families from diagnosis, through to treatment and support until death. Hospice at home, counselling, home care, complementary therapies, equipment loan and transport. Advice and education on palliative care. Carers group. Specialist social worker and outpatient clinic.
Manchester Bangladeshi Women's Organisation - Ananna
Manchester Bangladeshi Women's Organisation - Ananna offers these services: Advice, information and support for Bangladeshi women. Subjects covered include welfare rights, housing, health, education and training, employment and immigration and nationality. Asian women's health project, well woman sessions, mental health project, young women's project, English, sewing and dressmaking classes (with a creche), mother and toddler group and a young women's group.
Stroke Association - Education, Training and Info (Salford)
Stroke Association - Education, Training and Info (Salford) offers these services: Information, advice and listening support for people who have had a stroke, their carers and health professionals. Free leaflets on all aspects of strokes and details of services provided by local statutory and voluntary organisations. Training for care staff on stroke and its effect.
Age Concern - Tameside
Age Concern - Tameside offers these services: Range of services for older people. Advice on benefits, disability, housing rights, money and debt, respite care and transport and mobility. Day centres including a lunch club for older Bangladeshi people. Bereavement counselling. Befriending service. Activity centre. Hospital aftercare transport service. Insurance service. Wheelchair hire. Outings and holidays.
Women's Centre - Preston and District
Women's Centre - Preston and District offers these services: Range of health, education, counselling and support services for women. Drop-in with advice, information and a library. Free legal advice from a solicitor. Smear tests, breast check advice and pregnancy testing. Support groups for women from minority ethnic communities, health promotion, self help and therapy groups. Range of complementary therapies including aromatherapy and hypnotherapy.
Longsight Moss Side Community Project
Longsight Moss Side Community Project offers these services: Support for older Asian people and their carers. Information on health and social care services. Carers group 1st Tuesday of the month 10.45am-12.45pm, and personal development programme every Thursday 10am-12 noon at Longsight library. Drop-in for Asian women with mental health needs. Information and training for staff on cultural and religious issues.
Greater Manchester Bangladesh Association (GMBA)
Greater Manchester Bangladesh Association (GMBA) offers these services: Range of services for all (and particularly Bangladeshi) communities. Advice centre open Monday-Friday 10am-4.30pm, phone 0161 249 0862. Other services include youth club, sporting and cultural activities, and ESOL classes. Also provides training in information technology, including internet training as part of UK online training centre.
Age Concern - Lancashire
Age Concern - Lancashire offers these services: Range of services for older people. Day care, befriending, home visiting, carer support, community development, leisure and social activities. Liaise with and provide support to the network of local Age Concerns across the county. Outreach services. Home visits. Information provided from a number of local offices.
Oldham CAB
Oldham CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, immigration and nationality, welfare rights and benefits, money/debt, consumer rights and employment rights. Drop-in service Monday - Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm. Appointments available. Specialist casework service in disability rights, welfare rights, money advice and immigration and nationality.
Hyndburn Area CAB
Hyndburn Area CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights and employment rights. Representation at court hearings and tribunals.
Burnley District CAB
Burnley District CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt. Disability benefits claims casework, specialist debt counselling, welfare benefits and immigration.
Preston City Council - Housing Advisory Service
Preston City Council - Housing Advisory Service offers these services: Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Housing provided for people considered in priority need. Referrals to statutory and voluntary sector temporary accommodation projects. Advice and assistance for HOMES nominations. Tenancy relations service dealing with private sector landlord/tenant disputes. General housing advice.
First Choice Homes (Oldham) - Housing Options
First Choice Homes (Oldham) - Housing Options offers these services: Assessment of priority need under the Housing Act. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. General housing advice and information available from area housing offices - details of area offices on 0161 911 3000. Out of hours emergencies phone 0794 000 8834.
Advice and Community Resource Centre
Advice and Community Resource Centre offers these services: Advice and information for the local community. Subjects covered include welfare rights, housing, consumer issues, education, employment, legal problems, money and debt. Drop-in at 59 Withington Road Tuesday and Wednesday 10am-12.30pm, Thursday 1.30pm-4pm.
Preston Victim Support
Preston Victim Support offers these services: Emotional and practical support, advice and information for people who have been victims of crime. Assistance with Criminal Injury compensation claims. Witness support service at Preston Crown and Magistrates Courts.
Bangladesh Welfare Association Community Development Trust
Bangladesh Welfare Association Community Development Trust offers these services: Range of services for the Bangladeshi community. Educational, employment and cultural events for young people aged 14- 25. Homework classes. Girls' club and women's group. Sewing classes for women. Gardening project. Cultural and social events. Weekend events and activities.
Chester Asian Council
Chester Asian Council offers these services: Advice and referrals for people from Asian communities and other minority ethnic communities. Help with a range of subjects including benefits, housing and family matters. Signpost to other services when necessary. Education projects.
Salford Link Project
Salford Link Project offers these services: Centre for the Asian community. Advice on benefits, disability, mental illness, health. English classes for women Monday and Wednesday. Computer training. Employment support. Youth activities. Also offer lunch, mobility exercises, health talks, shopping trips and outings.
Rochdale and District Mind
Rochdale and District Mind offers these services: Advice, information and support for anyone who has been, or is, a user of mental health services. Counselling available by appointment. Drop-in sessions, workshop groups, advocacy service and a women only space. Weekend drop-ins at Hanson Corner and Middleton. Community Cafe Project in Rochdale Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm. Ethnic minority user groups. User run group Saturday evening.
Sahara in Preston
Sahara in Preston offers these services: Drop-in centre for Asian, African and African Caribbean women. Advice, information, counselling and support. Help with form filling, interpreting and translation. Help with finding work, job applications, interview preparation, identifying training and educational needs. Support for women experiencing domestic violence and for homeworkers. Training courses and volunteering opportunities.
Manchester Council for Community Relations
Manchester Council for Community Relations offers these services: Advice for individuals on racial harassment, racial discrimination and the law, particularly on employment, housing and statutory service provision. Support for refugees and asylum seekers. Support project for Asian parents of disabled children. Promotes equality of opportunity and works towards the elimination of racial discrimination.
Lancashire County Council - Trading Standards Service
Lancashire County Council - Trading Standards Service offers these services: Advice for the general public on a range of consumer issues. Advice for businesses on consumer protection law.
Tameside MBC - Trading Standards and Consumer Services
Tameside MBC - Trading Standards and Consumer Services offers these services: Advice for the general public on a range of consumer issues.
Westwood Advice and Information Centre
Westwood Advice and Information Centre offers these services: Information for the local (particularly Bangladeshi) community on welfare benefits, health, employment, consumer issues and housing.
Wish Centre
Wish Centre offers these services: Advice, support, helpline and information for women and children who are experiencing or who have experienced domestic violence. Services include temporary accommodation, welfare benefits and housing advice. Legal advice surgery by appointment Tuesdays. Counselling service and advocacy support when contacting other agencies. Floating support service. Outreach provision for women in the community.
Age Concern - Lancashire (Burnley Resource Centre)
Age Concern - Lancashire (Burnley Resource Centre) offers these services: Information, advice and services for older people (55+) and their carers. Welfare rights officer available at Monday drop-in. Range of classes, including tapestry and cookery.