
North Of England

Child Documents

Apna Ghar - Minority Ethnic Women's Centre
Apna Ghar - Minority Ethnic Women's Centre offers these services: Run by and for women from minority ethnic communities. Advice and information on benefits, employment, health, housing rights, immigration, nationality, local services, education and training. Legal advice and support. Women's health clinic with nurse consultant, counsellor, gynaecologist. Older women's lunch club. Young girls' group. Asian language classes. Translation and interpreting service.
Middlesbrough CAB
Middlesbrough CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights, employment rights. Representation at benefit and employment tribunals, county court possession and eviction hearings. Neighbourhood advice sessions at six community venues - phone for details.
Newcastle upon Tyne CAB - City Branch
Newcastle upon Tyne CAB - City Branch offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, consumer rights, money and debt, disability, immigration and nationality and employment. Specialist help in welfare benefits and debt. Tribunal assistance scheme, county court project and an in-work benefit project. Legal advice from rota solicitor by appointment.
Redcar and Cleveland CAB
Redcar and Cleveland CAB offers these services: Advice and information on housing and welfare rights, benefits, money, debt, disability, consumer and employment rights. Sessions at Belmont House, Guisborough Mon, Weds 9.30am-12.30pm; Redcar Library Mon, Thurs 10am-1pm; South Bank Neighbourhood Centre Weds 9.30am-3.30pm; 27a St Georges Bungalows, Grangetown Mon, Tues, Thurs 2pm-4pm; Skelton Library Weds 2pm-4pm; Loftus Town Hall Thurs 1pm-4pm.
Stroke Association - Tees Information Centre
Stroke Association - Tees Information Centre offers these services: Advice and support relating to stroke illness for people who have had a stroke, their families and professionals. Family support in Stockton, including home visits. Information and publications on a wide range of issues including benefits, rehabilitation and respite care. Access to support from other local services and agencies.
North East Centre for Diversity and Racial Equality
North East Centre for Diversity and Racial Equality offers these services: Promotes equality of opportunity and good race relations. Advice to individuals on racial discrimination and the law, particularly around statutory services provision and employment. Representation at tribunals under the Race Relations Act. Campaigning and training.
South Tyneside CAB
South Tyneside CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt. Employment law specialist. Tribunal representation. Advice for people with mental health problems.
Darlington and Durham County Racial Equality Council (Darlington)
Darlington and Durham County Racial Equality Council (Darlington) offers these services: Advice for individuals on racial harassment, racial discrimination and the law, particularly on employment, housing and statutory service provision. Promote equality of opportunity and work towards the elimination of racial discrimination.
Princess Royal Trust - Gateshead Carers Association
Princess Royal Trust - Gateshead Carers Association offers these services: Information, support and a listening service for carers. Telephone information service. Quarterly newsletter. Support for carers from minority ethnic communities. Carer support groups. Benefit advice sessions.
Newcastle Welfare Rights - Minority Ethnic Community Support Service
Newcastle Welfare Rights - Minority Ethnic Community Support Service offers these services: Welfare rights advice and casework for people from minority ethnic communities. Community group meetings. Housing advice from Shelter Wednesday 10am - 12 noon. Work finder Thursday 10.30am - 12 noon.
South Tyneside CAB - Jarrow
South Tyneside CAB - Jarrow offers these services: Advice and information for the general public on a range of issues, including employment rights, welfare benefits, money and debt, consumer issues and housing rights.
Children's Information Service - Sunderland
Children's Information Service - Sunderland offers these services: Information service for parents, carers and employers. Helps with finding suitable childcare. Also provides information about education, leisure and sporting activities for children. Help and advice for childcare providers.
Panah offers these services: Support for black women and women from non-European minority ethnic communities who are experiencing domestic violence. Temporary refuge accommodation, practical and emotional support and outreach services.