East Anglia
- Ipswich and Suffolk Racial Equality Council
Ipswich and Suffolk Racial Equality Council offers these services: Promotes equality of opportunity and good race relations, particularly in the areas of employment, education, housing, criminal justice and immigration and nationality. Advice and support for people experiencing racial discrimination/harassment. Legal advice from solicitors twice a month. Equal opportunities advice and training. Translation and interpreting service (charges made).
- Cambridge CAB
Cambridge CAB offers these services: Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, immigration and nationality, consumer and employment rights. Representation for debt and repossession problems at the county court, at social security and employment tribunals. Extension services at Addenbrookes and Fulbourn Hospitals, Akeman Community Centre, Arbury and Sawston.
- Peterborough Women's Centre
Peterborough Women's Centre offers these services: Information, advice, signposting and training courses for women. Courses include ESOL, computing, parenting and assertiveness. Internet cafe. Single parents group. Over 50's group. Creche. Saturday workshops on various topics.