
South East England

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Bedfordshire Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support
Bedfordshire Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support offers these services: Support for refugees and asylum seekers. Advice sessions deal with a range of issues, including applying for asylum, benefits, accessing appropriate services.
Migrant Helpline One Stop Service - Margate
Migrant Helpline One Stop Service - Margate offers these services: Advice and support for refugees and asylum seekers. Advice on benefits, housing and National Asylum Support (NASS) applications. Referrals to legal advice. Outreach services in Ashford, Canterbury and Gravesend.
Refugee Council - Eastern Region
Refugee Council - Eastern Region offers these services: Advice, phone advice and referral for asylum seekers. Assists newly arrived asylum seekers with advice on options for support, including applications to the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) for support and accommodation. Advice for asylum seekers on issues related to NASS, accommodation, sources of immigration advice, health care, employment and language lessons. Emergency clothing provided.
Slough Refugee Support
Slough Refugee Support offers these services: Advice, information and support for refugees and asylum seekers. Subjects dealt with include education, housing, health, asylum procedures, benefits. Represent the needs of refugees and asylum seekers to service providers and advocate good practices and the provision of appropriate services.
Acorns Nurse-led PMS Pilot
Acorns Nurse-led PMS Pilot offers these services: Comprehensive primary health care services for homeless people, travelling families and asylum seekers. Staffed by nurse practitioner and GP with access to other primary health services. Drop-in 10am - 12 noon, Monday - Friday. Afternoons appointments only.
The Lodge - Sexual Health and HIV Services
The Lodge - Sexual Health and HIV Services offers these services: Family planning and reproductive health care services. HIV prevention and sexual health promotion services. Client care services for people living with HIV and their carers. Services for homeless people, asylum seekers and travellers. Outreach work with gay and bisexual men and people working in the sex industry. Part of Bedfordshire and Luton Community Care NHS Trust.
Mental Health Matters - Oxfordshire
Mental Health Matters - Oxfordshire offers these services: Advice and information on mental health, including self help, legal advice, medication, sexual abuse, counselling and complementary therapies. In-patient advocacy scheme within psychiatric hospitals. Newsletters, leaflets and books. Volunteer training and training for groups on mental health issues.